The professionals at The Loved Child (TLC Family Center) propose that professional organizations offer TLC Parent Employee Conversation Groups to bring working parents together to connect, to learn from one another, and to receive expert parenting education to ultimately decrease common work-family stresses and increase morale in the workplace. Highly experienced TLC experts in child behavior and family development provide the option of weekly, biweekly, or monthly groups facilitated in the workplace at the lunch hour.
Depending on the number of parent employees and stage of parenthood, TLC provides business organizations TLC Parent Employee Conversation Groups for:
- Expecting Parents
- New Parents with Babies
- Parents with Toddlers and Young Children
- Parents of Tweens & Teenagers
Each 1-hour conversation group is organized around common parenting topics and challenges. Listed by stage in parenthood, the following are sample topics for each TLC Parent Employee Conversation Group.