01 Apr TLC Playing @ Home – Spring Yoga Exercises
Today is all about giving your bodies some much needed movement! We all know how important exercise is for development and overall health for all of us, including our little ones. These fun Spring Yoga Exercises are perfect for the entire family to get up and move their bodies! It’s time to get outside or clear a space in your home to try these 4 yoga exercises.
- Bunny Breath – Sit on your feet (kneeling) and put your arms straight up like two bunny ears. Wiggle your bunny nose as you breathe. Two sniff breaths in and out with a “haa” through your mouth. Do about five.
- Flower Breath – Put your hands in front of your chest and make a flower shape by touching the pinky fingers together and the thumbs together, splay out the other fingers. Imagine that you are smelling the most delicious smelling flower. Take some deep breaths. (Sometimes I go around the circle and ask each child what their favorite fruit or vegetable is and then we all imagine we are smelling a flower that has that fragrance)
- Water the Garden – Have the children curl up (child’s pose) and pretend that they are little seeds in a garden. Have a mister with water (you can add oil like lavender or orange depending on the children/ allergies, sensitivities to smell..etc) and spray the children. As they feel the mist they can start to “grow”, lifting their heads up, slowly rising up and reaching their petals (arms) up to the sun.
- Bird Pose – Stand tall. Look at one thing that is not moving (I like to have something in the center of the circle for the children to look at, usually a seasonal item) Spread your arms out to make the wings. Slowly lift one leg back to fly! Repeat on the other side. “Then come to rest so quietly in your nest!” (Have them come to sitting).
We’d love to see photos of you and your whole family practicing these spring yoga moves! Tag our handle in your Instagram photos @tlc_parenting_center or share them on our Facebook page!