19 Apr Peaceful Parenting: An Approach NOT Just for these Uncertain Times
During these uncertain times we have all heard repeatedly how important and beneficial it is to find the silver linings in our lives. Let’s face it – if not, we could easily drown in the parenting stress of hunkering down together 24/7.
One of the silver linings for me has been to see the focus everywhere in the media on supporting parents. Interestingly, for me, this recent attention on parents and families has always been my focus and passion – for the last 28 years I have been committed to supporting and educating parents as they travel their own parenting journey.
The foundation of all my work (and my own experience parenting three teenagers) is built on a peaceful parenting approach. I am truly grateful for the research of many parenting experts who have committed their careers to sharing the importance of a peaceful, calm, or positive approach such as Laura Markham, Daniel Siegel, and Joanna Faber.
On Monday, April 20th at 7:00 PM, I will be sharing a virtual overview of a peaceful parenting approach. Parents and loving caregivers of babies and young children will learn the three main components. We will then have the opportunity together to put the new approach into action by addressing challenging children’s behaviors such as tantrums, hurting behaviors, not listening, and whining.
I welcome you to join us! Being familiar with this parenting approach will help you support your family (including you!) during these uncertain times and for the many years to come. Register HERE.
-Jennifer Gillette, TLC Founder, Owner & Instructor