17 Sep Nurturing Your Child’s Unique Temperament Style
Congratulations! We have successfully completed our first week of TLC Parenting & Play classes for the 2016 fall semester! Hopefully, everyone left TLC knowing 1. the importance of play in young children’s lives, and 2. TLC is a place where parent complaints (and celebrations) are welcome- and guilt is always left at the door!
Moving on to week number two: temperament. We can not appropriately address areas of child development and behavior, or discuss common parent topics before we all have a solid foundation in temperament theory.
If this is not your first class at TLC, most likely you have already heard some information about temperament in a TLC class or workshop. This week we are sharing a new resource from AhaParenting.com- a must read for parents of infants through adolescence. Enjoy Dr. Laura’s seven suggestions how best support and nurture a child’s unique temperament style.
As parents we can’t control this raw material, but we can try to give our children the environment that will best help them to make the most of their potential.