11 Sep My Life As A Parent: I Can’t Complain
We all have had some life experience with a friend like Kate. Maybe your “Kate” wasn’t in your close social circle, but no doubt, you have interacted, or at least heard a story about someone that provided you with a moment (hopefully repeated moments) of insight in how truly fortunate you are.
Can we, as a group of parents, recognize and celebrate how blessed we are AND still complain about our daily challenges with our children, partners, chores, in-laws, and lack of time to exercise? YES! The main objective of our weekly Parent & Play classes is for YOU to develop more confidence in your parenting. How do we do this together?
We do this by bringing to the weekly class discussions our own struggles- along with our grateful celebrations.
When participating in the TLC classes we know that we are joined together in a safe and tender loving community (TLC) where personal information and trusted education is shared.
As many of you already know, every week you will receive the TLC Parent & Play Newsletter (what you are reading now) and the TLC Announcement Newsletter (upcoming TLC & community programming). Of course, our class newsletter is not homework, however, your class experience will be significantly richer if you take the time for yourself to review the suggested resources. This week, enjoy this short article from Scary Mommy and take a moment before class to reflect on what you and your partner are currently celebrating as parents and what areas of parenting you feel as if you could benefit from support.
Welcome to the Fall 2016 semester at The Loved Child. Let’s complain, celebrate, and grow TOGETHER!