30 May How to Handle a Clingy Child
The majority of TLC parents will relate to this week’s topic: how is the best way to handle my clingy child? Most of us have experienced our child wrapped around our legs or neck holding on for dear life or her arms up high, jumping up and down while screaming, “uuuppppp!”
When clinginess happens—because, yes, it inevitably will—reassure your child; hold him; let him be needy.
Even though this behavior can be quite alarming (and perhaps even slightly annoying) for many parents, as you will soon read in this fantastic parenting article from Slate, this clingy behavior is completely normal- and in fact- healthy. Take a moment before class to read WHY our children go through clingy periods in development and HOW best we can respond to this behavior. As as always, please feel free to share your personal stories in class- we have no doubt the parent next to you has a similar story…