08 Apr What Is Your Child’s Learning Style?
Returning TLC families know that each week in our Developmental Play & Parenting classes the little ones are presented materials to explore to highlight a specific area of development (e.g. cognitive, fine motor, social/emotional etc.). Next week we will begin with language development- both expressive and receptive. This week, however, let’s step back and think about each child as an individual. How best does your child learn?
Every child has a distinct “learning style,” or way of observing her surroundings and gaining new information. While everyone learns individually in a variety of ways, we all — children and adults — do it best when using particular senses and ways of exploring the world.
Some (NOT all!) child development researchers and experts believe that every child has a preferred learning style or tendency: auditory, kinesthetic, tactual, and visual. Take a moment before class and review the following parent-friendly article on learning styles– including which signs to look for to recognize each style and suggestions for best learning.
And, to take this topic a step further, as hinted above, more recent research suggests that in fact, the concept of learning styles is a complete myth. Disappointing, no? If interested, please read the following article from Wired, where the author suggests there is little evidence to support the learning style concept…
What do you think? Let’s share our personal experiences and opinions in class.