11 Sep Welcome to TLC New Parenting Classes, Infant I (newborns- 3 months) & Infant II (3- 6 months)
The Loved Child’s New Parenting Classes, Infant I (newborn – 3 months) & Infant II (3 months- 6 months), provides a warm and supportive group experience in which participants (mothers and fathers) can rely on expert guidance, evidence-based information, shared parenting moments, sympathy, and humor to help develop increased comfort and confidence in parenting. Infants don’t come with instruction manuals, and there is no single “right” way to parent. Instead, new parents need to be encouraged to trust their instincts and to be sensitive to and respectful of each infant’s individual temperament style and unique needs. This class provides a comfortable, non-judgmental, confidential space for parents to ask all of their questions, express any fears, and discuss the challenges (and delights!) that come with the addition of a child to the family.
Each 1 1/4-hour class in this 6-week series offers every parent a chance to check in with the ups and downs of the previous week, to learn about the phases of infant development (fine & gross motor skills, language, attachment, and others), to examine practical baby-care skills, and even to practice infant massage. Parents will support one another as they explore different strategies for coping with the challenges of feeding their baby (and themselves!); sleep; changes in personal relationships and family dynamics; employment; and child care; all with due emphasis on self-care and maintaining a healthy perspective.
As with all of TLC’s classes, every family will receive the semester’s TLC Book on the first day, to be enjoyed at home and shared weekly in class. Progressively we will incorporate and rehearse gentle activity songs and rhymes that the babies all come to anticipate and enjoy! These new songs are easily taken home and shared with all caregivers, reinforcing the invaluable lesson that repetition is a major facet of infant learning.
While there is an agenda and suggested curriculum (e.g. a dedicated TLC Parent Topic and TLC Developmental Focus) for each class, there is also ample opportunity to raise the most pressing topics or to steer the conversation in any direction the group wishes. Families will receive the weekly TLC Newsletter before each class highlighting that week’s Parent Topic, Developmental Focus, and Take Home Idea. We actively encourage parents and babies to meet up outside of class and facilitate this with suggestions for places to go. We hope these classes will form the foundation for a wonderful, ongoing support system for all participants – and perhaps a venue in which to make lifelong friends!