13 Sep Think Parenting Isn’t Fun? You’re Not Alone
What a perfect article for bring us together for the first week of class: Think Parenting Isn’t Fun? You’re Not Alone. As you will soon read, we learn from Jennifer Senior’s research (published in her recent book All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood):
Today’s parents have adopted an intensive, exhausting style of raising their children. At the same time, parents- especially mothers- constantly question themselves on whether they’re doing the right thing. This self-doubting, hyper-parenting approach is taking its toll…
Let’s begin the semester with this intense topic- parenting in today’s world– and take a moment to highlight how helpful and supportive you will find it to be part of a weekly group where we unconditional support one another. Parenting is hard work. Sometimes it isn’t fun. But, your’re never alone. Welcome (back) to the TLC community!