10 Apr TLC Weekly Parenting Topic: Healthy Family Sleep Naps
We certainly didn’t plan on this, but articles on children’s sleep- specifically naps- have been prevalent in social media recently. Our weekly parent topic will focus on sleep (a popular topic in TLC classes!). Please review this fantastic developmentally organized article on naps published by Baby Sleep Science. In addition, take a look at this article, Do Kids Really Need Naps and TLC’s response on Facebook:
TLC classes focus EQUALLY on the development of parents and children. Similarly, NAPS are EQUALLY important for parents and children. Your child doesn’t fall asleep at “nap time?” Then simply change the name to: “rest time”, “book time”, “snuggle time”, “quiet time”, “down time”, “alone time”…DON’T GIVE UP NAPS: parents and children NEED this time of low stimulation to rest and regroup…