01 Jan TLC Overview: Social-Emotional Development in Young Children
Every semester in our TLC Play & Parenting classes we will focus on SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT in young children. Need a concise overview of developmental milestones for social-emotional development? Visit the following trust-worthy link from PBS: Social-Emotional Milestones. Click on this excellent overview of social-emotional development in young children from Zero to Three (National Center for Infant, Toddlers, and Families). Here you will have all the information you will ever need to fully understand and support your child’s social and emotional development such as parenting tips to help your little one develop self-control, self-confidence, persistence, and friendships. In addition to the Zero-To-Three podcasts and parent-friendly handouts, we have also included a Children’s Book List Social-Emotional Topics from The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. This excellent resource includes book suggestions on all the common social and emotional topics such as making friends, sad feelings, grieving, fears, and good behavior expectations.